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Equitable and Complimentary

Equitable and Complimentary

Any man who thinks that a woman's submission to a man somehow makes her ‘less’ than him is utterly clueless about women, if you ask me.

In our relationship we have an understanding of dominant and submissive as equitable and complimentary, not superior and inferior. This is why I believe that the question of 'equaltiy' within a relationship is a red herring. We should be equal before the law and we are equal in the eyes of God, but this does not mean that we are equal within our relationship. Each of us brings talents and qualities into the relationship that make us unequal. It may be unpopular in certain groups to argue that men and women are indeed different and that gender differences beyond the obvious physical ones do matter. What matters in a relationship to this man and his woman is the interplay of my masculinity and her femininity. In our relationship my wife submits to my leadership. This fact does not make her less important. It does not make me more important. It makes us important to each other.

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